0. BASSMINT Token Supply
17 voters
Lock it now: 12
Leave unlock: 1
Increase supply by 1000 : 1
Increase supply by 500: 1
Increase supply by more than 2000 and create a new proposal for the final number of supply: 2
=> Poll is now closed and BASSMINT Token supply has been locked on the 23/09/2022
1. BASSMINT Streaming Proposal
16 voters
2 Against 14 For it
=> Poll is now closed and this project is added to the roadmap. the extra tokens have been created and we are counting streamings ???? we have 1024 Streams on the 23/09/2022 counted in 2 months.
This update will require a bit of funding to implement as some extra dev work is required and also some extra management to distribute and organise rewards, token distribution organisation and regular update on this new system.
2. BASSMINT OpenSea Official Collection
15 voters
2 Against and 13 For it
=> Poll is now closed and we will do the creation of the Collection on OpenSea when funding will allow it as to be transparent we don’t have the fund at the moment to create EmblemVault of each asset. This will also require each artist to send one of their asset to Bassmint wallet for the creation of the Collection. We will need artists approval for that. So probably some assets will be on OpenSea and some not as depending on artist decision for their track. We will respect artist decision ????
3. BASSMINT Fan Reward system
3 voters
0 Against and 3 For it
=> Poll is now closed and this proposal has some similarity with 1. BASSMINT Streaming Proposal. We will try to see how we can join this too.
Your Proposal
You have an idea for the project, please submit your proposal below:
You need to login and be a BASSMINT Token holder to see this page and be able to vote and/or submit a proposal.